Big Bro/Big Sis Gifts from Baby
Welcoming a new baby into the family is exciting and happy time for parents but sometimes siblings don’t share the same sentiment as we do. This is our fourth child and for the most part we have gotten the older two to be excited about having a new baby sister. It wasn’t easy as our 7-year-old was not happy when we told her she was going to have a little sister. However, our youngest, is not on board and to now has outright expressed his displeasure with having a new baby in the house. But don’t fret! Kids are resilient and with the right approach can be swayed in the right direction.
Being a Big Sis/Big Bro
Sometimes the most obvious answer is the simplest. Let them know how great it is to be a big bro/sis. Give them some examples of what a big bros/sis will do that will make them extra special. Have fun with it too, we told ours they’d have a new person to boss around. We explained that a new baby meant they would have someone looking up to them. For my daughter we told her she’d have someone to play dolls with and do lots of girly stuff with.

Get them Involved
Getting siblings involved could help ease their anxiety about having a new player in town. This is how we got our 7 year old to come around to the idea of being older siblings again. She, had a hard time dealing with the fact that she wasn’t going to be the only girl anymore. But I got her involved in picking stuff out for the nursery and baby gear. When you’re looking for baby items ask for their opinion – “Do you like this color for baby?” “Do you think baby will like this?” Also, having them select some stuff for the nursery or an outfit can do the trick.
Let them Choose the Name
Ok maybe not letting them choose exclusively since the name is a lifelong commitment. But, let them suggest some names or if you’re torn between a couple names let them tell you which is their favorite.

Sibling Gifts
Now, if you’ve tried all these, like me, to no avail opt for a gift from baby. While, I didn’t do this with my last pregnancy, this is my last attempt to get our youngest on board. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve asked the little ones what were somethings they wanted to get a general idea of what would excite them when they got the gift. These do not have to be expensive gifts just items that you know your kids like. Could be as simple as crayons and coloring book, a barbie, or more elaborate.
Now, the only one at this point who has a problem with the baby is our youngest but if you have more than one kiddo you know can’t really gift one without gifting the others. I even got dad a gift, but shhh don’t tell him.
Since we do have a teenager and for the most part he understands he is still getting something. Below are some suggestions and what baby g will be bringing in a few days.
Tween/Teenager Gift Ideas
- Cash – I opted for cash for our teenager
- Gift Card – iTunes, google play, xbox live, footlocker, etc.
- Headphones
- Jewelry (linked a James Avery charm below)
- T-Shirt
- Sunglasses
- Xbox/PS4 Game
- Water bottle
School Aged/Toddler Gift Ideas
- Outdoor toys – balls, pool toys, chalk, etc. Since we are having a summer baby some outdoor summer items seemed fitting.
- Books – specifically a big bro/sis book or new baby book
- Barbie/Dolls
- Action Figure
- Plush Animals – Mine is really into sharks right now
- Coloring books/Colors
- Craft kit
- Camera
- Blanket/Throw
Really anything that you know your child likes and gets excited about or has expressed interest in having. Target’s dollar section is great for little finds/fillers for your bigger items.
What NOT to get
- Clothes! Remember that expression you made as a kid when you opened a gift at your birthday party only to find clothes? Yea, not a good first impression from baby. Stay safe and get something you know will make your older kiddos will be happy to receive. After all, the whole point is to excite the older siblings about having a new baby bro/sis. I threw in some socks but those are definitely not the highlight.

Personalize and Make it fun
With your gift include a personalized note from baby for each sibling. Here’s the one for the youngest:
To: Big Brother Juju
Congratulations on becoming big bro to a new arrival sent from above, a baby sister to protect and love. Being a big brother is a special job and to celebrate baby sister brought some gifts just for you:
- Certificate– This is a special paper that certifies that you have been promoted to Big Brother.
- Light-up Ball– Bounce this ball and it lights up, perfect to use for those late summer play nights.
- Shark Goggles + Plush– I heard you like sharks, the googles will keep your eyes safe in the pool and the plush will be perfect for your new big boy bed.
- Coloring Books + Colors– These will keep you busy until mommy and daddy come home with me.
- Book– Here’s a book to show you how awesome it is to be a big brother and how to help mommy once I’m home.
Week 39 Update
I’ve made to week 39 and still no baby. Baby is “big” and remains sitting. So I’m fairly uncomfortable and miserable since she is still high and pushes into my ribs and boobs. But in a few short days we’ll be welcoming our new bundle joy and all this was will all just be a memory.