Fashion Nova Kimono
When my sister found out I was blogging about fashion and life, she was a sweetheart and gifted my this cute kimono from Fashion Nova. I’m sure by now we’ve all heard about Fashion Nova’s affordable pricing and comfy jeans, especially if you follow the Shade Room on Instagram. Cardi B swears by this brand and so do my niece and friends. I’ve yet to try some jeans but after trying this kimono, it’s on my list of must try items.
Pregnancy // Week 35 Update
I’m getting so close to the end and each day seems to get harder. While, I know the end is near the anxiety of the unknown gets the best of me. How, will I handle my kids and a newborn? Did I bite off more then I can chew? I’m clearly out numbered now. Will my sanity pay the price? I’m excited and I’m nervous. Despite this being my third child, I am down right stressed about what my life will be like. I know that many women have more then three and this is just another phase but I can’t help but feel overwhelmed at times. the best thing I can do now is pray and leave it up to God.
Aside from my mental and emotional anxiety I’m physically exhausted most days. I get winded and tired easily and this Texas heat has had no mercy on me. I try to cool off in the pool and I come out beat. Every time I sneeze I have to cross my legs or a little ummm pee will come out and no I don’t always get a chance to cross my legs. The discharge seriously gets on my nerves (pantyliners to the rescue).
Dealing with Braxton Hicks
If all this wasn’t enough, I’m starting to get Braxton Hicks and they are uncomfortable. If you don’t know, BH are “small” contractions that last about 30-60 seconds and are believed to help prepare for labor (YAY me). I have been feeling them more and more over the last couple of days but taking a break or changing positions helps relieve the pain. Also, drinking water and emptying the bladder helps relieve the uncomfort.