Gender reveals are popping these days. They are all over pinterest, instagram, facebook, and yes even the local news. Did y’all see the gator one on the news?? The purpose of the reveal is for the parents to find out the gender of the precious bun in the oven but it seems like as they became more popular it is more for social media then anything else. Although, one could argue that these days everything is done for social media, likes, comments, going viral, etc. (insert eye roll here)
Seven years ago when I was expecting my first, gender reveals were not nearly as popular. Not that it would have changed anything for me since we opted to not know what we were having until birth. The surprise was a fun element but it was more of strategic step and all part of a bigger picture. Not knowing the gender for our first simplified things in the long run. The best part was not having to worry about baby stuff 10 months later when I found out I was expecting again.
With our second pregnancy, gender reveals were becoming more of a thing, mainly with cupcakes and shit. And since we had a girl the first time, I felt that perhaps we should know the gender the second time to allow us to plan and buy things as needed. Thankfully we didn’t need much since most of the big ticket items and baby gear were already gender neutral.
Our “gender reveal” was intimate, just for us. We purchased a cupcake from a Society Bakery with the blue or pink filling inside. We also purchased one for my mom and had one sent to my MIL in Houston from a local bakery in the area.
Now for the third (and final) pregnancy, I opted to NOT do a gender reveal. While, they are super popular and trending, this is my third pregnancy and I already have a one of each plus a bonus one so I didn’t really see a point to it. Not to mention, they cost money and with my taste it won’t be cost effective. I’d rather use that money towards awesome baby gear, like the super cute flamingo rocker.
I did however, want to do something to share with family and friends on social media. I gave a tease on last week’s post and dropped the theme THE FUTURE IS FEMALE. Surprise, It’s a GIRL. We are over the moon to welcome a baby girl this summer.
I’ve linked the super cute items below for mommas with future females in the making.
The dress is Lilly Pulitzer dress and the print is from a couple seasons ago so exact no longer available but linked a cute alternative.
Tee shirt from Poppy Apparel. See previous post and save 10% using the code GeeChic10.
Loved the rose gold mocs.
These jeans are super comfy too and worth the investment.